Behind the Scenes with Ruven Afanador
June 16, 2024
This past April, I experienced a moment that will forever be etched in my memory and treasured in my heart. I had the extraordinary privilege of being photographed by the legendary Ruven Afanador, and it was nothing short of exhilarating and transformative.
After more than four decades away from the camera, Ruven's remarkable talent and intuition unlocked the many layers within me. It was a day of profound self-discovery, one that I will always cherish. Working with such a master was truly an honor.
In the coming weeks, I am thrilled to share the images from this unforgettable shoot. It began with a simple headshot (today’s image), and evolved into something truly magical.
I hope you’ll join me on this journey and share your thoughts and comments along the way.
Warm hugs,
June 23, 2024
At BuDhaGirl, National Pink Day is a celebration we eagerly anticipate every year because pink is woven into our DNA. Today, we're thrilled to share the latest image from the Afanador series of Jessica’s shoot, capturing her profound love for pink and showcasing how this vibrant color radiates pure joy.
Pink is more than just a color; it symbolizes friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and compassion. It’s no wonder we often hear phrases like “Everything is rosy,” “Tickled pink,” and “Seeing life through rose-colored glasses.” These expressions perfectly capture the essence of pink and its power to bring happiness and positivity into our lives.
We always like to use the phrase: “Think pink.” It’s just a great place to be!
June 30, 2024
The third in the series of Jessica’s images by Ruven Afanador captures Jessica in her kitchen. I mean who doesn’t wear a tiger print dress with tons of Chanel necklaces, David Webb rings and of course loads of BUDHAGIRL bangles in the kitchen?
Jessica surrounds herself with flowers as she feels they are not only beautiful but they are “of the moment”. Jessica says: “Flowers are fleeting. They capture a time and place that should be enjoyed. Flowers are the present.”
The kitchen is Jessica’s favorite place in a home. She feels that magic happens here both for the cook and guests. Creating a wonderful atmosphere that brings you deep joy is key to being able to give the best of yourself.
July 14, 2024
This is the fourth in Jessica’s Afanador series. The images become more dramatic as the shoot developed during the day. In this image, fabulousness is happening. Jessica stands in front of a painting she has lived with since childhood, it is a painting by the famous Spanish artist José Vela Zanetti. This mural is a cubist painting inspired by Patzcuaro, Michoacan in Mexico.
As if this was not enough, let’s continue... Jessica is holding her grandmothers silk and marabou fan from 1902 in the most divine shade of powder grey. It is said that when Karl Lagerfeld saw the fan, he fell in love and he and Jessica began a relationship around fabulous fans. Last but not least, the dress is by Junya Watanabe for Comme des Garcons. It is an amazing work of dystopian-like couture with belts, buckles, closures, netting, and incredible zippers. Hair and make-up by About Face Pros, Dallas.