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Full Moon Dinners

A Full Moon Dinner is not always just about food, it is about ritual too. It is about preparation. Choosing a menu, making your shopping list, setting the table, timing and organization, special drinks, and above all what is your mood for this dinner. All your wonderful creative energies will go towards orchestrating an evening to be remembered.

Join me for a year-long journey of Full Moon Dinners. Share your dinners with us on Instagram and Facebook or email us directly, let us know what special things you created and who were your guests. We would love to feature you and your fabulous full moon dinner!

Buck Moon Dinner Menu | BuDhaGirl

Watermelon Fizz

2 oz Watermelon Juice
Sugar to Taste
1 Lemon Squeeze
Mint Sprig
4 oz BuDhaGirl Sparkling Demi-Sec

To make watermelon juice, take watermelon chunks (about 2 cups) and blend with a bit of sugar and a squeeze of lemon. Check seasoning and adjust to your taste. Strain. In an old-fashioned glass, add ice cubes, pour 2 oz of watermelon juice, top with BuDhaGirl Sparkling Demi-Sec and garnish with a beautiful mint sprig.

Past Full Moon Dinners

Past Full Moon Dinners