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¿Qué es la Oración de la Serenidad?

by Jessica Jesse

A very powerful mantra, prayer or recitation...

Lotus held on hands wearing BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles | BuDhaGirl

BuDhaGirl was founded on the belief that everything around us, everything we say, what we read, what media we choose to follow, what we purchase, what we choose as our line of work...everything affects who we are. It affects how we interact with ourselves, our families, our friends and our world.

When bringing BuDhaGirl into being, I wanted to start a fashion-centric company that offered more, offered a reason to purchase based on the total enjoyment of our products. Making it our mission to always have content be part of each and every one of our products. This content is based on contemplation and contemplative practice that asks us to stop a moment and find joy in the now. Part of that now is the intention-setting morning ritual. And the gratitude evening ritual.

Our famous All Weather Bangles® also have a component, our Serenity Bead that seals each bangle. This bead is assembled and handcrafted into each and every one of our AWB®. The Serenity Prayer bead represents a very powerful mantra, prayer or recitation originally attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr, an Evangelical pastor. However, at BuDhaGirl we feel it is totally nondenominational because it reflects ideas affecting us all as humans.

Close up of the Serenity Prayer in Tzubbie Gold All Weather Bangles | BuDhaGirl
Gold all weather bangle bracelets | BuDhaGirl

The Serenity Prayer: (God) please let me accept the things I cannot change; give me the Courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

You may or may not choose to use the word God. Regardless, you are asking something, an energy, a presence, someone bigger than you, to please let you understand what it is you are capable of, and to give you the courage to do it. It also asks for the knowledge of knowing when not to go down the wrong road.

To all our BuDhaGirls: We wish you to be surrounded with serenity each and every day.

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