Jessica Jesses Februar-Favoriten 2022
Jessica shares her favorite February things...

OUD AZUR 75212 Perfume
Jessica’s scent - Krigler's 75212 Perfume, almost her zip code
Tonglen Meditation
In January I assessed where I was in terms of my spiritual and meditative practice. From that time of reflection, I decided that in February, I would focus on Tonglen meditation.
Tonglen practice begins with breath awareness and continues with a wish to establish beings in happiness and free them from suffering. This wish is expressed in an image. You imagine that as you exhale, you share the light of freedom, of well-being and its causes, with everyone who needs it.
NailKale Superfood Base Coat
Nails.INC's Nailkale Base Coat is truly a wonderful product - the perfect base coat and it really works!!!!
The Sugar Queen
In Audible, I am listening to one of my favorite books - The Sugar Queen.
One day I would like to make into a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Anya Taylor Joy and of course Timothée Chalamet.