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Artikel: Happy Halloween BuDha-Gouhls

2022 BuDhaGirl Team Pumpkin Decorating contest banner with orange and white pumpkins | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
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Happy Halloween BuDha-Gouhls

BuDhaGirl hat unseren jährlichen Halloween-Kürbis-Dekorationswettbewerb im Hauptquartier gestartet, und ehrlich gesagt war es schwer, die Kreativität zu übertreffen, die wir letztes Jahr gezeigt haben, aber ich wage es zu sagen, ich glaube, wir haben es geschafft! Schauen Sie sich hier einige unserer Favoriten und den diesjährigen Gewinner an ...

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Jessica Jesse pictured with Jess Pacheco, Editor- in- Chief of Excelsior Newspaper | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
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Hokol Vuh Goes BuDhaGirl Pink 

Stellen Sie sich einen Abend mit 18 der weltbesten Köche vor, die Ihren Gaumen auf eine Reise durch Yucatan mitnehmen. Das klingt wie ein Traum, oder?! Außer du träumst nicht, du hast dir Hokol Vuh...

Three women wearing BuDhaGirl's Carousel Pink Collection Nebula Rings, All Weather Bangles® In Carousel Pink, Meghan Bracelet in clear, Meghan bracelet in Pink, Clear Etoile Bracelet, and Dahlia Bracelet in Peony | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
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Paint the Town Carousel Pink

Ob in der Modebranche oder auf dem Laufsteg am Flughafen: Rosa ist der aktuelle Farbton und alles, was feminin ist. Die Farbe ist für viele eine Muse...


Mindfully-Glamorous Pumpkins... 2022

2022 BuDhaGirl Team Pumpkin Decorating contest banner| BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl

BuDhaGirl kicked off our annual Halloween Pumpkin decorating contest at HQ, and honestly, it was hard to beat the creativity that we displayed last year, but dare I say it, I think we did! Flowers, fur, glitter, and glam were on display for all, making our pumpkins the pride of the patch. And because our bangle bracelets are the perfect accessory for any occasion, you’ll spot one of our pumpkins rocking a mindfully glamorous BuDhaGirl fave. Did you spot it yet? Psst... She's Bob's Sister......

How are you and your BuDhaTribe celebrating Halloween this year? Do you have your costume yet? Show us your Halloween-inspired creations on Instagram by tagging #BudhaGhoul - and without further adieu, I present The 2022 BuDhaGirl Pumpkins.

Gary the Snail Pumpkin and Zelda Pumpkin|BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Gimme S'more BuDhaGirl Pumpkin, Chill Pill Pumpkin |BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Purple All Weather Pumpkin, Green Franky Pumpkin |BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Elsa decorated Pumpkin, Bob's Sister Pumpkin | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Onion Bottom Gene Pumpkin, Midnight Special Pumpkin| BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Luisa Pumpkin, Pinata Pumpkin for BuDhaGirl Pumpkin Contest| BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Hungry Caterpillar Pumpkin, Watermelon decorated pumpkin | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl
Floral Pumpkin named Flor, Peony Pumpkin | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl

Wait! Now, what's a contest without a victory?! ... Congrats to this year's winner
#3 "Gimme S'More BuDhaGirl"
Happy Halloween, let the ghoul times roll!